Short Film

The People of Sand

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On a quest to explore what lies outside the walls of her village, a young warrior exposes herself to covetous eyes. 

Proin maximus ut augue ut finibus. In non est eu libero rutrum fringilla. Mauris dictum, turpis in convallis tincidunt, est dui varius est, eget ultrices magna quam eu tellus. Suspendisse ligula nisl, fermentum vel viverra vel, porttitor ac odio. Quisque sed odio a arcu sodales ultrices eget eu arcu. Phasellus a velit et purus eleifend viverra. Mauris ante nulla, tempor eu ligula id, lacinia varius arcu.

Maecenas pellentesque aliquet arcu, vel elementum magna facilisis vitae. Nam in cursus lorem. Donec ac tellus nisl. Sed vo lutpat quis orci nec placerat fusce ex magna. Sed iaculis luctus nibh sed venenatis. Donec eget nibh non nibh varius varius a vitae dolor. Ut ornare mollis lacus, non fringilla magna.




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Film Editing



Behind the scenes

The People of Sand behind the scenes
The People of Sand behind the scenes
The People of Sand behind the scenes
The People of Sand behind the scenes
The People of Sand behind the scenes
The People of Sand behind the scenes
The People of Sand behind the scenes
© 2020 ThatAfrikan Productions. All Rights Reserved.