Short Film



Black students at a meeting between the African and Caribbean student groups on campus discover that their disparity runs deeper than they thought.

On a typical day at a Canadian University campus, the African and Caribbean Student Association groups run their meetings separately. On this fateful day, the two groups engage in a joint meeting to discuss joining forces, to ensure that their needs as black students are better catered to by their student union.

What initially seems like light-hearted banter, sprouts into a raging brawl rooted in stereotypes, and eyes are opened to the deep-seated effects of their century-long discourse.



Assistant Director
Produced by

Writing credits


Film Editing


Post Audio Engineer

Behind the scenes

Finch short film behind the scenes
Finch short film behind the scenes
Finch short film behind the scenes
Finch short film behind the scenes
Finch short film behind the scenes
Finch short film behind the scenes
Finch short film behind the scenes
© 2020 ThatAfrikan Productions. All Rights Reserved.